Mission Statement
The Park Day Nursery is committed to providing high quality childcare and education to the under 5’s in a safe, secure, caring and home like environment. The setting we provide is designed to support and expand every child’s development through varied and quality play-based activities. We provide a child centred approach which places the child’s interests and needs as the central element to everything we do, underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage. The child’s development and progress are monitored and evaluated through assessment, observation and planning.
It is our goal that parents and children experience high quality childcare and education provided by fully trained staff, which is flexible, reliable and tailored to individual needs. The nursery has been developed through the eyes and expectations of parents and carers and we therefore respect and value their views as the child’s primary carer. We offer regular consultations with parents regarding their child’s development and progress.
The staff will demonstrate a caring and considerate attitude towards the children in their care, promoting each child’s self-esteem. In addition, staff will encourage children to practice and acquire skills, by providing appropriate equipment and materials to encourage growth and development.
Staff will work together as a team for the benefit of the whole nursery and continually strive to improve the service we provide through self-evaluation. The nursery will seek training opportunities for all staff to enhance the quality of care we provide.
We will operate an equal opportunities environment that recognises the diverse needs and backgrounds of our children, their families and nursery staff.